  • El primer objetivo de un barman eficiente debe ser complacer a sus clientes, prestando especial atención a satisfacer los deseos individuales de aquellos cuyos gustos y deseos ya ha observado y comprobado; y, con aquellos cuyas peculiaridades no ha tenido oportunidad de conocer, debe preguntar cortésmente cómo desean que se les sirvan sus bebidas, y usar su mejor juicio para esforzarse en cumplir sus deseos a su entera satisfacción. De este modo no dejará de adquirir popularidad y éxito.

    Jerry Thomas (2016). “Jerry Thomas' Bartenders Guide: How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks”, p.13, Courier Dover Publications
An efficient bartenders first aim should be to please his customers, paying particular attention to meet the individual wishes of those whose tastes and desires he has already watched and ascertained; and, with those whose peculiarities he has had no opportunity of learning, he should politely inquire how they wish their beverages served, and use his best judgment in endeavoring to fulfill their desires to their entire satisfaction. In this way he will not fail to acquire popularity and success. - Jerry Thomas