  • Tenía tanto caballo que sabía que podía esperar hasta que se abriera algo. Estaba en una buena posición y podía ver dónde se iban a abrir los huecos. Cuando la monté la última vez, hizo lo mismo y cuando se lo pedí, estaba lista. Estoy muy agradecido a Juddmonte y a Bill Mott por tenerme de nuevo con ella.

I had so much horse I knew I could wait until something opened up. I was in a good position and could see where the holes were going to open up and she was really on her game today. When I rode her last time, she did the same thing and when I asked her, she was ready. I'm very thankful to Juddmonte and to Bill Mott to have me on her again. - Rosie Napravnik