  • ¿Por qué no estás conmigo? Si no puedes decirlo ahora, responde seleccionando...
    1º, si dices SÍ, nos casaremos inmediatamente.
    2º, si dices NO, haré todo lo posible para que digas SI y nos casemos enseguida
    3º, si dices que necesitas tiempo para pensarlo, te daré un día para pensarlo y luego nos casaremos.
    Así que sólo tienes que elegir, ¿es SÍ o NO? No, es 1º, 2º o 3º. ¿Casarse o no casarse?

Why don't you be together with me? If you can't say it out now, then you just answer by selecting... 1st, if you say YES, we will get married right away 2nd, if you say NO, I will use every possible way to make you say YES and get married right away 3rd, if you say you need time to consider, I will give you one day to think over it and then get married So you just choose, is it YES or NO? No, it's either 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Marry or not marry? - Park Shin-yang