  • Taro entró en la habitación, con los mechones de pelo sueltos de la corbata que llevaba en la nuca y el sudor pegándole la camisa color crema al pecho y la espalda. Desearía tener la habilidad de un artista y poder retratarlo en todos sus estados de belleza. Él nunca querría verlas, ni siquiera conocerlas. Sólo me gustarían para mí. Tal vez quisiera verlos cuando fuera mucho mayor y bello de otra manera.

Taro came into the room, strands of hair flying free of the tie at the back of his skull, sweat plastering his cream-colored shirt against his chest and back. I wished I had an artist's skill, that I could make renderings of him in all his states of beauty. He would never want to look at them, or even know about them. I would just like them for myself. Maybe he would want to see them when he was much older, and beautiful in a different way. - Moira J. Moore